Friday, May 1, 2015

Episode 19 - The Ears of a Roleplaying Game

Greetings, Citizens!

It's been fairly busy at Deadboys HQ, what with all the public executions normal things and all. Sorry for getting this to you a little later in the day than normal as a result, but hopefully you like it all the more!

Today, we're pleased to bring you our first Double Feature in a while. For the first topic, we discussed something that is destined to be in every roleplaying game, no matter what the topic, setting, time period or even game designer—if you guessed dice, you're wrong, and we'll invite you to the next round of executions barbecues we have. Naturally, we're talking about the NPC; which, like the ears are often some of the most overlooked parts of the body. Palladium or not, the NPC is going to be a mainstay in any RPG. In our first part of the double feature, we look at things to do and things to avoid when using an NPC. Naturally, if you have suggestions or comments or things we just forgot, please let us know on g+ or in the comments below.

Our second feature is one that we're sure every Palladium player—regardless of how long you've been playing—will love. Ever wonder how to make a workable character in about 15 minutes when the average is three to four hours? Well, Matt is willing and able to give you all the information you need to get that character cranked out. Now, instead of spending those four hours making a single character, you can toss out 16 of them.

In the meantime, behave yourselves, citizens. Take a trip over to Kickstarter and support our friend Howard Tayler. Also, if you haven't checked out his site, go over and read some Schlock Mercenary and get a feel for what it's all about.

Lastly, we're planning on beginning to release Actual Play episodes on the podcast feed next week, so if you've been looking for a place to listen to these adventures you've heard so much about, you'll soon be in luck!

Carry on, citizens.


  1. As a player I thoroughly enjoy fleshing out my character's background (and the G.M.'s world) with a bunch of N.P.C.'s. When I run a game I also encourage my players to do the same. They become a great resource for the players and the G.M. alike.

    Where's the link for the Amazon wish list?

  2. Sorry about that. For some reason, the wishlist didn't post. Maybe it was my epilepsy making me think I'd done it...

    Regardless, here's a link just for you.

    I'll also put one in the sidebar.

    Thanks for letting me know about it! And thanks for the feedback on your NPCs; that's one of my (Jeff) favorite things, too. I always feel more connected to a setting if I've fleshed it out with a bunch of NPCs, and I especially like Matt's method of using copy/paste to speed things up.
