Saturday, May 30, 2015

Episode 20 - Palladium Open House Redux, then Bob Walks Into a Bar

Greetings again, Citizens!

It's been far too long, I know. However, I hope we'll make up for it this time because we have the Magnificent Maddie along with us!

Anyway, Matt was at the Palladium Open House; and if you were there, odds are you saw him passing out cards with our information on them. Feel free to pass those cards along, and spread the love of Palladium's games. The system may not be the most popular, but hey, they sure know how to create an immersive environment for players, right?

Finally, after an overview of the fun Maddie and Jeff missed, the conversation moved toward a slightly different track: how do you get your players together in the first place? You could have them all get together in a bar, but how cliche is that? Really! Each of us take it in turns to offer ideas as to what can be a good solution to this, but as you know, we're not the ultimate authority on things of this nature. . . . yet. Please offer feedback on g+, Facebook, Twitter, on our email address, or anywhere else you might be able to find us. Seriously, we love doing this show, but we realize it's not just for us, it's for you--so we can share our passion for these games with you.

Also, I want to do two things here. I want to apologize for the terrible sound quality. As I've mentioned many times before, the recording equipment I have is twitchy at the best of times, and downright unusable at the worst. But that also segues wonderfully into the other thing I wanted to mention, and that is a gigantic shout-out to friend of the show, Gilstam, A.K.A. Dave. I also gave you a special mention before the episode started. That's irony for you! You realize that your recording quality is far below where you'd like it to be, then UPS brings you new equipment (and a new book to burn through!

Anyway, I think I've taken enough of your time tonight. Have a relatively safe night, citizens.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Running a Little Behind, and an Announcement

Running a little behind is better than being a little running behind...

With all the action happening in the past week with Matt being at the Palladium Open House and Jeff being at his writing conference, we naturally weren't able to get an episode out. However, that doesn't mean we weren't thinking of you!

First of all, we'd like to thank all those who played in Matt's games during the Open House. Feel free to hop on here and leave feedback about your experience and tell us what you did and didn't like.

Also, we're pleased to announce that Howard Tayler's Kickstarter is finished now, as you can see from the lack of advertisement above. I hope all of you had time to at least take a look at it, if you weren't able to pitch in and support the project. It really looks like it'll be awesome.

Now, you may be wondering what else we could possibly be preparing for you. Fortunately, we have something quite exciting. As previously mentioned, Matt was able to make it out to the Open House, and was able to get at least one interview in during his time there. With whom, you ask? It's with this guy a few of us might have heard of: Kevin Siembieda. We'll post this interview as soon as we can.

Other than that, we just wanted to apologize for the slight delay in getting an episode out, but we promise that one is on its way.

Carry on!

Friday, May 1, 2015

Episode 19 - The Ears of a Roleplaying Game

Greetings, Citizens!

It's been fairly busy at Deadboys HQ, what with all the public executions normal things and all. Sorry for getting this to you a little later in the day than normal as a result, but hopefully you like it all the more!

Today, we're pleased to bring you our first Double Feature in a while. For the first topic, we discussed something that is destined to be in every roleplaying game, no matter what the topic, setting, time period or even game designer—if you guessed dice, you're wrong, and we'll invite you to the next round of executions barbecues we have. Naturally, we're talking about the NPC; which, like the ears are often some of the most overlooked parts of the body. Palladium or not, the NPC is going to be a mainstay in any RPG. In our first part of the double feature, we look at things to do and things to avoid when using an NPC. Naturally, if you have suggestions or comments or things we just forgot, please let us know on g+ or in the comments below.

Our second feature is one that we're sure every Palladium player—regardless of how long you've been playing—will love. Ever wonder how to make a workable character in about 15 minutes when the average is three to four hours? Well, Matt is willing and able to give you all the information you need to get that character cranked out. Now, instead of spending those four hours making a single character, you can toss out 16 of them.

In the meantime, behave yourselves, citizens. Take a trip over to Kickstarter and support our friend Howard Tayler. Also, if you haven't checked out his site, go over and read some Schlock Mercenary and get a feel for what it's all about.

Lastly, we're planning on beginning to release Actual Play episodes on the podcast feed next week, so if you've been looking for a place to listen to these adventures you've heard so much about, you'll soon be in luck!

Carry on, citizens.