Monday, August 4, 2014

Episode 1 - The Phantom Chronology

Hello, everybody!

As promised in Episode 0, here is the continuation of the Coalition Deadboys Podcast! Sorry it's late. Today's discussion focuses on the publication history of Palladium Books, but also includes several segments we're going to be featuring every two weeks. Here is what this episode looks like:

0:00 - Introduction. Kinda need that.
0:44 - S.D.C. News, where your hosts let you know what's going on for them in games, life and all that stuff.
4:58 - M.D.C. News, where we discuss the Palladium Books update from July 17. Yeah, it would have been nice to have the update from July 26, but it came out the day after we recorded. Figures.
14:53 - Discussion. This episode's topic, as mentioned, is the publication history of Palladium Books. There's a lot of it, and there's a lot we didn't really have enough information to cover. Regardless, even Matt said he learned something new. Hopefully, you will too. And hopefully you'll enjoy our...somewhat rambling discussion.
44:51 - Creature Feature. We were running a little shorter than we'd thought, so we decided to talk about our favorite Megaversal critters of the week. Matt's choice was a Melek (sorry if I misspelled it), whereas Jeff's choice was the race of Vampires from Rifts.
57:44 - Feedback and Q&A. Matt got a few questions from Facebook since Episode 0, and we try to answer them. Also, we got some feedback about the volume of the audio, so we cranked it up for this one. Again, let us know if it's better.

Remember, we're now on iTunes, so feel free to subscribe to us there or through a podcatcher of your choice. Please remember to leave us ratings and feedback so we know how we're doing and how we can improve.

By the way, Jeff said that we'd be releasing these podcasts every other Thursday. He lied. It's probably going to be every other Friday. And Jeff says he thinks he's got the uploading thing figured out, so there won't be any delays in the future. Probably.

Carry on, citizens.

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